Give Back, Shift Forward

    Feb 10The number of young women taking part in sport and physical activity in NZ is declining. Costs like registration fees, sports uniforms and equipment mean that for lots of kiwi girls, getting active is becoming increasingly difficult. Luckily, Give Back, Shift Forward are determined to change all that.

    Give Back, Shift Forward came out of a programme run by Lifehack and Enspiral. It’s a social enterprise dedicated to alleviating the cost of sports participation for young women in Wellington. And they’re doing it in a super-cool, innovative way: you buy sports gear for yourself, and the profits help young girls buy sports gear too! With everything from tote bags to fancy glass drink bottles, you can give money to an awesome cause and get an awesome product in return.

    We love this business model, and we love what it stands for even more. So, we got in touch with a member of the Shift Sisterhood to hear all about their plans.

    How are you finding the campaign so far?

    We have been overwhelmed by the support the project has received! It’s compounded our belief that this is a really important cause that a lot of people can identify with.

    What do you have planned for the rest of your campaign – anything for us to look forward to?

    The Shift team will dance and yell if we reach our target (although this will likely be in the privacy of our own homes!)

    Anything you want to shout out to your crowd?

    Aside from huge amounts of gratitude for your support we are super stoked to have you on board to support the wellbeing on young women.

    To pledge to this awesome cause, check out Give Back, Shift Forward’s campaign here and help get kiwi girls moving and grooving.

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