While you’ve been on your summer holiday we’ve been preppin’ the kitchen, the Pitch Kitchen that is.

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    Yesterday we turned up the heat on two companies who are going to be doing equity crowdfunding campaigns with us.

    The slicing and dicing isn’t like a Ramsay’s Kitchen where Anna and I sit there and make people cry. In fact it’s more like Jamie Oliver where we cook up good, healthy ideas with a group of friends giving feedback and support on ways they can make a crowdfunding campaign better. It’s an afternoon for honest feedback, streamlining your pitch and working on the getting your equity campaign to gourmet quality.

    The first two entrepreneurs put under the grill were Stu from Yeastie Boys and Tom from Chariot. Also in the room we had some of our shareholders, team, and alumni: Jacky Laverty, Nat Boltt, Breccan McLeod-Lundy, Dave Allison, Julia Campbell, Will Stewart, Nick Lewis, Anna and I. We were there to provide that friendly and nourishing advice. We all had these sweet name tags →

    Stu kicked us off running the group through his pitch for Yeastie Boys and then the teaser video they’ve put out. Stu announced just before Christmas that the brewery would be equity crowdfunding later this month.

    Tom then pitched us Chariot, it’s a super slick car-sharing app which will be launched very soon. They’re also going to be launching their PledgeMe equity campaign soon too — SO WATCH THIS SPACE!

    From there the group asked questions, gave feedback, and shared ideas for the two companies. Stu and Tom were busily writing down notes and Anna was assigning people tasks of small chunks of work that we could do there and then.

    For example, Jacky and I helped Tom whip up a basic communications plan for their equity campaign while Nat and Julia helped channel Stu’s creativity for a new pitch video (it’s going to be hair-larious). There were also discussions about financials, events, and messaging.

    Both Tom and Stu came away from the afternoon with clearer pitches and a clearer vision what it takes to activate a crowd and run a successful equity crowdfunding campaign  — a recipe for success.

    We’ll be running the pitch kitchens when and if companies need ’em. If you’re hungry for one let me know.

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