The Discrete Beauty of Coworking Spaces

    The Discrete Beauty of Coworking Spaces

    Christmas is a time for reflection: catching glimpses of my expanding middle in the mirror throughout the day as the turkey, spuds and chocolate are devoured!

    Over the year gone by there have been heaps of new experiences — challenges overcome and lessons learned, mirroring the peaks and valleys of a PledgeMe campaign. One of the big discoveries for me has been the discrete beauty of an often misunderstood domain: the modest coworking space.

    Being tucked away from view, there’s a skewed perception of woolly-hat-wearing-cold-craft-brewski-supping-hanging-in-hammocks-veiled-behind-irony hipster layabouts waiting for a creative epiphany before the cash runs dry. What isn’t seen from afar is the hard work and hustle ignited by ingenuity and real purpose.

    Above all else, coworking spaces offer us togetherness.

    In this digital age, technology brings opportunity, change and progress. But, technology also has the ability to isolate and replace authentic relationships. For young, high growth tech companies like ourselves, we want to blend the positive potential of tech with the power of community. At our homes in Biz Dojo Welly and The Distiller Auckland, we have this opportunity to come together to create, share and collaborate with our neighbours. We’re surrounded by experts in expansive fields (and orchards!) — some top quality skillage in our village. We have the chance to step out of the self-absorbed quest for growth to ask how others are getting on, share ideas, and receive flickers of inspiration.

    “Technology can’t solve problems by itself. Building a better world starts with building strong and healthy communities.”
    — Mark Zuckerberg

    Community gives PledgeMe the power to constantly grow and evolve. Community is the lifeblood of a successful crowdfunding campaign. It’s only right that we hang out in the most communal of workplaces.

    May your Christmas be like both a shared workspace and a top notch crowdfunding campaign… surrounded by those that support you, give you energy and put a smile on your face.

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